Sunday, January 1, 2012

Thor's First Flight

We went to see our Grandma Jenny--and assorted other people ;-) --on December 15.  It was Thor's first time in an airplane. I took the earliest flight, which meant that we woke up at 3am to get ready and check in by 4:30. Thor was pretty good during that part.
Thor was sitting in my lap for the flight. We got an aisle seat and he talked and giggled and laughed at everyone that walked by.

When the attendant gave instructions, she spoke to me in particular to remind me to put my mask on before helping him. Thor looked up at her, gave a huge Thor grin, and waved! Everyone laughed. It was the first time he had waved. Then he started doing it all the time. As soon as we taxied from the gate, Thor fell asleep for the whole airplane ride. All in all, a good experience.

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