Sunday, January 1, 2012

Our Visit with the Ronnows

Stacy and Kysa met me and Thor at the airport. (Sabre and Gary stayed home this time.) We immediately went Christmas shopping for the next 2 days since I had left it all for then. We ate dinner at Mom and Dad's house Thursday and Friday and saw an assortment of aunts, uncles and cousins. Stacy and Allan's kids were especially good to Thor. They played with him so sweetly! Kysa would shake his hands and say, "Nice ta meetcha!" and Thor would just double over laughing. He would wave "hi" and "bye" to them.  And they taught him how to shake his head "no"! Mostly, he just loved to sit on the floor with them and watch them play. He was actively learning how to be a big kid. New Baby Ronnow is so lucky to be coming into this family of good big brothers and sister.

Then we had Richard's birthday at Mom's house on Saturday night. It was really nice to catch up with Richard and Abby. I read their blog everyday, but sometimes it's nice to talk in person. On Sunday, we had the Ronnow family Christmas party.

I think everyone liked their presents. All my brothers and sisters and their spouses chipped in to buy Mom and Dad a new TV (their old one finally gave out after 10 years)--I really think it surprised them! And we ate tons of good food.

Poor Allan James! Sunday was his only day off while I was there. He works so hard at the post office, especially around Christmas time. But Stacy kept me company. She is now 12 weeks pregnant and I am still hoping for a boy cousin for Thor. We shall see . . .

On Monday, we went to Mindy's house to take Thor's pictures. Check out this post for the fabulous resulting photos! Then Thor and I had a quiet dinner with just Mom, Dad, and Christina. And on Tuesday Chantelle put false eyelash extensions on me. I like them, but I don't think I will keep them because it's too hard to swim with them on.  Mom and Dad came to say goodbye to me and Thor.

Everyone was so good to us while we were there. Thanks to everyone for all the fun memories. Special thanks to Allan and Stacy who entertained us both even though Stacy wasn't feeling the best from being pregnant and Allan was so busy at work. You guys are awesome. We love you all!

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