Sunday, January 1, 2012

Christmas Day

Merry Christmas, everyone!
This Christmas was a little strange. Everyone asked for one very large gift rather than a few small ones. Shopping was too easy. Thor needed a highchair and I saw this one online and couldn't get it out of my head! I love the way it looks!

Daddy asked why I always had to fall in love with the most expensive baby items, but that's not really true. The black base of this same model is $100 more than the white base one (although, I have to admit, the black one looks even cooler than this one!) And the Stokke highchair is $500 more than this one--yep, I wrote that right. $500 MORE! Even I'm not that crazy! So Mommy asked Santa for the Bloom Fresco highchair and Santa brought it!

Sabre asked for her class ring for Christmas. She went online and designed the whole thing herself. And if you haven't been in the market for a class ring lately--yikes are they expensive! But she was very happy with it.

And Gary asked for a rifle for Christmas. I was thinking more along the lines of a hunting rifle, but he had in mind an AK-47. Since he rarely asks for anything this expensive, I knew it was something he really wanted.
It came complete with Zombie-killing bullets, courtesy of Katie. He loves it.
Thor actually was into ripping the presents open.
 We gave the highchair a test run. We are still trying to get him to eat baby food. (Cute bib courtesy of Grandma Jenny!)

 Then he played with all his new bath toys. He was so excited about them that  he kept yelling at them.
And about noon Sabre and Gary took off for Oklahoma :-(  Sabre went to Tulsa to see her dad and granny and that side of her family. Gary went to Shawnee to see his mom and dad. And Thor and I spent the rest of the day with Jenn and her family. Thanks Stephens family!

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