Sunday, January 29, 2012

This Month

Well, I'm really glad I set a goal for all of us to post at least once per month or else I might not have done it this month! I must say that I am so proud of (most of) you for taking up the challenge!  Thor has been sick all month. It started a few days after Christmas and we've been struggling ever since. It started with the sniffles, then full blown, can't breathe through his nose,gobs of snot flying mucus. He was pulling at his ears, couldn't sleep, and then he started projectile vomiting and decided to stop eating too. We went to the pediatrician a few times and then the ER at the Phoenix Children's hospital because he couldn't keep anything down (not even medication to make him better). After X-rays, blood work, urine tests, etc, they basically said, we don't know what's wrong with him. Good job keeping him hydrated and bring him back if he gets worse. UGGGHHH! It was the vomiting that was the worst and what I was the most worried about. He couldn't keep down anything! Poor little guy. But they did give me anti-nausea meds for Thor and that helped. And we switched to soy formula because it's easier on babies' stomachs. He started doing better, but then got a horrible cough. Then he was coughing so hard he would throw up.  I have been covered in enough vomit this month to last a lifetime! He was diagnosed with asthma, so now he's been on breathing treatments which helped get everything under control.

And this kid has learned to throw up on command now since he knows his little gags send all the adults in the room to fly around him. It's crazy! Thor had just started trying real food--which he hadn't been a big fan of to begin with--but now anytime you put something in his mouth other than a liquid, he gags and throws it up. Anyone want a couple cases of baby food? He's not going to eat it. He's decided to be on a liquid diet for the rest of his life!

So this has been my life for the past month. I haven't stopped doing laundry long enough to get on the computer. I also haven't taken a lot of pictures this month. So here's to February!

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