Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Thor is 6 months old!

Ok, so I am about a week late in reporting that Thor hit the 6 month mark. I took him in for his 6 month shots and flu shot last Thursday. He only screamed after the 3rd shot. I thought that was pretty good.

Side note--I really think it should be illegal not to give your child vaccines. This happens to be one of the only parenting choices I think the government should make and I despise paternalistic laws, but vaccines I think are different. Most times, your choices affect your child the most. An unvaccinated child affects others in a direct, physical, sometimes horrible way. If a parent's choice not to vaccinate only affected their child--i.e. only their child had a chance of dying--I can't say that I would care very much.  If that parent wants to risk losing their child, well that's their problem.  An unvaccinated child, however, is more like a suicide bomber.  If he's going, he's going to take out the rest of the people around him as well.  And that's where I have the problem.  If I were in charge of the world, I would criminally charge parents whose unvaccinated children infected someone else.  It's exactly as if those parents let their 2 year old walk around with a handgun saying "oh, it's alright, the safety is on"--a little too dangerous to others in the vicinity.  Anywho...

For those of you that didn't see Thor's cute 6 month picture, here you go:

You can't see it, but he has a Crayola green skeleton on his shirt-it's one of my favorite shirts of his. Now that he's a little older (and it's winter so he needs more layers) I am having a great time dressing him! He is so patient with it, too. We "play" for an hour just dressing him in different outfits. He thinks it's a great game. So do I.

As you can see, he also sits up very well by himself. Last night we sat on his playmat in front of the Christmas tree all evening playing with different rattles. He loved that he could chew on all the toys hanging from the arch overhead that he could only bat at when he was laying on the mat.

He has a head cold--really just a snotty nose and a cough that won't go away. No fever. I have to bring an extra jacket to work everyday because he inevitably sneezes all over me before we make it to the car in the mornings. Poor baby.  Thinking I was pretty smart, I don't dress until the last minute in the mornings. I just wear my PJs so if he sneezes or burps up I can change, no big deal. Then last week I picked him up after doing my hair and my make-up and he threw up in my hair. Back to the shower. . .

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