Thursday, December 8, 2011

Temple Lights

Last Friday night, Eddie and Marie Lynn called and asked if we wanted to go see the Mesa Temple lights with them. Sabre had stayed home with a cold that day and Gary wasn't feeling so hot either.  But baby Thor and I were a little sick of sick people. And we were bored. So we went.

Now there had just been a cold front move through the Valley that day. It could have gotten down to 45 degrees. So I had to find Thor's hat. And a  blanket. And put him in long sleeves and pants. Boy does the rest of the world take a long time to get dressed!

I tried to feed Thor before we left, but he kept spitting out the nipple. And then we waited for Eddie and ML to pick us up. (Eddie gave Maria Lynn the nickname "ML." I don't know why--maybe because it's faster to say. It is easier to type it.) They finally got there.

As soon as we got in their car, Thor started crying. Now, this child never cries unless something is gravely wrong. So I tried feeding him in his carseat--something I hate to do--but he still wasn't happy.  We thought he'd be happy when he was out of his carseat. He was "ok" in his stroller.

He did at least smile once or twice when we took pictures of him:

But then, my perfect angel baby, screamed his head off while we walked around the temple grounds. Now, there were not a lot of people there--did I mention that it was 45 degrees?--but I did not want to spoil everyone's tranquil time. So I carried him while ML pushed the stroller. And he gave everybody this look:

And then he started crying harder. I checked his diaper, checked him all over for pokey things, tried feeding him, bounced him, talked to him--nothing seemed to help. So we walked around the grounds faster. We left after about 20 minutes because we couldn't get him to stop crying. Oh, well! Sorry Eddie and ML! We heard a few carols and there's always next year.

The only thing I can think of is that he didn't like the cold. Did I mention that it was in the mid-40s? If that's the case, he's got a rude awakening coming in about a week! I just saw the weather forecast for Ogden and did you people know that your HIGH is in the low 30s??? I'm glad he has lots of cute hats.

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