Friday, December 30, 2011

Thor's First "Real" Photographs

With Sabre, I took to have tons of professional photographs taken to document her infancy. Fast forward 16 years to the days of digital cameras--all the pictures I have since Thor's birth announcements (taken when he was 1 day old) are candid, quick snaps with my phone or aging camera. So when I saw the gorgeous, inspired photos taken by my cousin's wife, Mindy Pitcher, I contacted her and made an appointment for her to take Thor's while we were visiting Utah in December (more on that trip later). And boy am I glad I did! Even though most of you saw them on Facebook, I am going to re-post the entire album. Why? Humph, just take a look at these:

The simple joy of having a boy:

 He makes this face all the time! It's like his tongue is way too interesting to stay put in his mouth.
 My hands are literally right out of the camera shot (I'm actually not sure if Mindy photoshopped them out or not because I remember being a lot closer than it looks in this picture!)
 And this is going to be his headshot. Seriously. Who would not want that smile promoting their product?
 This one captured the color of his hair really well. His hair is just like mine (before I colored it). It has a chameleon quality so it can look blonde one moment and dark the next.
 I'm holding onto Thor's foot here so he can't roll over--we had a devil of a time getting him to stay on his tummy (as usual!)
And there he goes! Free at last!
 He has been able to sit really well for a while .
 This one is my favorite, I think. I know, I know, there are ones that show his personality better. But this one . . . because he's not smiling his dad's infamous, gorgeous grin, he looks E X A C T L Y like a picture I have of me at the same age. And I must be very vain, because seeing him look like me makes me much happier than I ever thought it would. It's like caring for a mini-me.

 Here's his best "what did you say?" look:
 In the middle of a laugh--I see this face hundreds of times a day.
 I love that Mindy caught him biting my chin--Thor's version of kisses. He has such a death grip on my face when he does that!
 And this one is Thor in a nutshell. Mindy captured his personality perfectly.
 See how patient he was with us?
 There's that tongue again. He definitely is orally fixated.
 My rolly polly bug.
 Believe it or not, he's not even unhappy with us. He's blowing a raspberry!
 Ah ha! We wore him down for 5 seconds (that and Mindy is really fast with her camera)
 I could just stare at this one forever.
 That's Stacy that he's looking at--glad we had her there. Thor was very interested in watching her.
 Just a happy, happy boy.
 He's being entertained pretty intensely by 3 loud adults here.
 This is his "mama, I'm done now" face. No crying--his face is so expressive, I know exactly what he means most of the time. When you have a face this expressive, crying has no purpose.
 Rescued by mom! I shouldn't be surprised by how heavy (ok, fat) I look in pictures right now. I'm so used to being skinny most of my life that I forget that I'm not anymore.
And those are the fabulous pictures that Mindy took. A GREAT BIG HUMUNGOUS THANK YOU to Mindy. I knew that she was a great photographer, but these turned out better than I ever imagined because she preserved his personality with her photos, not just what he looks like. We will be loyal customers for as long as she takes pictures!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness SOOO cute! I kept thinking Oh THIS one is my favorite...Oh wait no now THIS one is my favorite... etc etc all the way down the post :)
