Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Thor's Kisses

Thor likes to give kisses. Big, wet, lickery kisses (like on Goonies).  If he's doing it half-hearted, he will just give you an open mouth lick on the cheek.  When he really gets into it, though, he bites your chin with his gums! It feels so weird. I should probably discourage him now from doing it before he gets any teeth. That will probably hurt. But it's so funny, all I can do is laugh.  Jenn caught him in action the otehr night. He looks like a vampire.

 After his kisses he looks at you with so much love and fun in his eyes. I can't tell him not to do it. At least until it really does hurt.
He thinks he's just one of the big kids.  His translation of kisses makes me wonder about his experiences.  Do other people's kisses really look like that to him? Is he just excited?  He sure is cute.

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