Saturday, November 26, 2011

Thor's Development

Thor has learned to sit up by himself this month. Now he sits in his baby bath and splashes the water as high as he can. The whole kitchen is covered in water when he's done! He rolls from his tummy to his back pretty quickly, but he's never rolled back to tummy. He is almost starting to push up all the way onto his hands and knees. He doesn't seem too interested in moving around yet. I've never been able to put a baby up on a bed still at his age, but he still just sits there while I get ready.

Thor talks and laughs all the time. He is very social and he loves being held. Some nights he sleeps through the night, but when he is congested (like last night) he can be up every hour or so. He lets me play dress-up with him. He laughs and laughs while I change his little outfits and never gets frustrated with it. I bought him two new hats yesterday--I'll have to post pictures of him with them on. He is adorable!

He still isn't interested in eating cereal. He doesn't understand it's food. He spits it out for 5-6 spoonfuls and then just screams if we try to put anymore in his mouth. Oh, well. He is chubby and healthy. We will keep trying once a week or so.

I enjoy him so much.

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