Sunday, November 6, 2011


Happy Halloween (a few days late)!
I tried to take a good picture with Thor and his pumpkin from the pumpkin patch.  I thought he would lean forward over the pumpkin to steady himself, but he kept falling over:

So we just took some cute half-reclining photos.

This is his "I'm-watching-a-scary-movie" look:
We didn't plan to dress up for Halloween this year. Gary's Aunt Sherry sent Thor a onesie that has a motorcycle and a biker's body painted on it so that when the baby has it on, the baby's face is the biker's face. We dressed him in that and put him in his motorcycle walker so we kind of did dress him up anyway. We didn't plan very well for Halloween--it took us a lot longer to get over this virus than I thought it would. So at 5pm Halloween night, Gary was frantically carving our pumpkins. He did a pretty good job see:

I like this one because it looks like Jack from Nightmare before Christmas. Did you know that movie came out in 1993? It's almost 20 years old!! And it's still a great movie (huh, Amber?). Now it's onto Thanksgiving!

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