Thursday, April 12, 2012

Thor's First Haircut

So this is my cute little boy the evening of March 15, 2012.
His daddy said his hair was getting too long. Gary wouldn't stop buggin me to let him cut it--it was driving him crazy! You all have seen Gary's hair--it's cropped close and he doesn't go 3 weeks without trimming it to stay that way. (He cuts it himself so I'm not complaining. My haircuts cost enough for both of us.)
As you can see, it really wasn't THAT long. The problem was the little tuft of hair growing over his ears that stuck out. (You can barely see it in this picture.)
Here are a couple more:

So I let Gary cut it. Normally, I would have loved to get pictures of the actual "cutting" phase, but it took both of us to hold Thor still while Gary used the clippers. Thor did not like having it buzzing next to his head and not being able to see it. In the end, Gary missed a few spots, but the long-ish spots were (mostly) shorter. See:

I would have taken a shot of the back of the cut, but Thor wasn't having anything to do with me being behind him again after I had to hold him down for 10 minutes! But I kindof got a side shot: (See why we had to buzz it again 3 days later? Very uneven. Gary was doing the best he could, though.)
The second time, the "touch-up", went much smoother. Thor held still (for the most part). It makes him look so old, though!!!

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