Thursday, April 12, 2012

Teeth Pictures

So it was waaaay hard to get Thor to show us his teeth for a picture! He did not want to show them to me. Here you can barely see his tiny two bottom teeth:

And he was kicking around so much we could only get a very blurry picture of his top two teeth:
To calm him down, I had to let him look at my teeth (thanks Gary for snapping the worst pic of me possible!):
He LOVES other people's teeth. He cannot keep his hands out of anyone's mouth. It's still the first thing he goes for if you talk to him or pick him up, no matter if you are family, friend, or some random person at the grocery store that will lean in close enough (YUCK!)
All better now that he poked around in mom's mouth.
One more quick shot while he's happy:
Gary says he has Sponge Bob Square pants teeth-there's a huge gap in between the top two. I'm really hoping that will close up as they come in more and the others pop out. 

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