Thursday, April 12, 2012

FFA's first Challenge

As you know, normally, I only blog about my adorable children. I mean, seriously, look at them:
 (Ok, so Sabre's picture is old, but it's the only one I have on my work computer!)
(And who could not write all the time about Thor's cute smile?!)

But I digress. Mindy wrote a post about FFA as in "Fearlessly Finding Awesome." Its a club of sorts designed to open our creative juices about home decor. Mindy raved about how much she liked the author of this blog, Mandi at Vintage Revivals, so I jumped over to her blog to check it out. Man, am I hooked.

This chick really has the most creative, awesome ideas. I get lost in her DIY tutorials. (You all will laugh because can you imagine me plastering my end table with tin foil?? But I'm seriously considering trying this.)

So I'm joining FFA and our first assignment from goddess Mandi is to write about how we want our home to feel.

1) Organized. I want my daughter to call when I'm 1300 miles away, ask where the scissors are, and I can walk her right to them. (You all are laughing becuase you know that I've done that!)

2) Relaxed. As in it's ok if you jump on the furniture or slam a door or use the nice sheets. I want it to feel kid friendly without being trashed.

3)  Planned. Not the same as organized. But as in I put thought into what goes where and things match and there are splashes of color around that complement the decor really well.

I love this bed:
Skyline button-tuffed purple bed
and I love this entryway (doesn't it look like me!!!)
Red entryway with bench
and this kitchen is awesome!! I think I'm just in love with the cabinets.
Kitchen with red cabinets and drawers, brass chandelier

So there. I may not have gotten much work done today, but I have thought about how I want my house to look. At least I accomplished something today!

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