Monday, April 16, 2012

My Husband

There is one person in my life that I don't give enough credit to in a public way. I don't want to say all the mushy, cookie-cutter things about my fabulous husband because I think he deserves more than that. And he's never been the "normal" type of romantic--special birthday presents, flowers for no reason, foot masages, etc. But I don't really care because I wouldn't trade that for what he DOES do.

He cleans dog barf off the floor.
He kills all the ants and the horrid, huge bugs that come inside during the heat.
He washes my car for me when I'm not looking.
He makes me (really yummy) dinners almost every night.
He rarely tells me no--he just lets me figure out for myself that it's not a good idea.
He bites back his (what are probably mean) comments about other people.
He lets Sabre talk his ear off.  He lets me talk the other one off.
He watches the baby until I get home.
He gets up with Thor in the middle of the night.
He cleans my shower (because it's the one thing in my house that I have trouble cleaning).
He (mostly) puts things back where I tell him to.
When I say "sign here" he just does it without caring about the (probably very long, boring) explanation.
He cleaned out the garage.
He learns how to actually pull off all the cool home improvement ideas I think up (like learning to build a deck ;)
He comes with me to my work functions.
He makes totally funny, stress-relieving comments about said functions and attendees.
He sticks with my (often insanely detailed) budget.
He cuts his own hair.
He picks Sabre up from work at midnight.
He goes grocery shopping with me every week.
He listens between the lines.
He picks lemons off the exploding tree.
He juices said lemons and freezes the juice.
He mops my floor.
He tries not to break the baby-proof locks.
He takes out the baby diapers.
He only raises an eybrow when I bring home more baby clothes.

Somedays, if I get frustrated with him, I have to stop myself and repeat (a version of) what my mother told me when I was little: "You are being bossy and demanding. No one could live up to your expectations right now. He has the patience of Job. Anyone else would have duct taped your mouth shut long ago. Don't ask for more before you appreciate what you have. Be thankful!"

Today wasn't one of those days. Today was a day that I woke up with a sweet kiss from Gary on his way out the door early for work, rested because he put Thor to sleep last night, saw my clean car, a clean shower, a ready-for-me-to-take lunch, clean dishes, with Sabre already taken to school, and realized that I am lucky. I couldn't do everything that I do without his help. And what's more important than a partner that actually helps ease your burdens? Nuthin.


  1. Wow! That is awesome! He sounds incredible! One of a kind!:)

  2. Yep, you really have a keeper! We all love him. In fact, I list him in my top four brothers-in-law... REALLY close to the top but I can't say where without possibly hurting the feelings of the others. Definitely in the top four!

  3. Gary is definitely just what you need in a husband. You are lucky to have him. All of you children married some wonderful spouses. I am so happy with them all. I also thought about how fortunate I am to have my husband. Sometimes it is easy to get irritated with spouses and it helps to make a list like that. Thank you.
