Sunday, September 30, 2012

Monsoon Season in the Valley

This was a really wet year in the valley.  While the rest of the country is going through a drought, we are getting drowned out! While we were gone, Phoenix was hit with the largest haboob in recent history. For those of you who don't know, a haboob is a giant dust storm that precedes the rain in a monsoon.  You can't see in the dust storm, so it's best to take shelter off the roadways.  This one was more than a mile high. It shut down the airport and caused accidents along the highways.

And the rain continued almost every day during July. Thor could not figure out where the water was coming from!

He would go out into the rain and then get scared to come back under the patio. It really freaked him out that he couldn't tell where it was coming from except up!

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