Thursday, September 20, 2012

Driving Miss Kathy (Days 2 and 3)

We woke up fairly early and drove to Tulsa, Oklahoma without too much incident. Faithanne still didn't feel really well, but the puking slowed down. Thor was happier now that he could see out the windows.  We stayed with JoAnn that night.  She has a pool so Thor finally got some swimming in. He is doing so well!

Then Thor biffed it going down the steps of her jacuzzi and face planted on the cement! He got a Mickey Mouse shaped scrape that turned into a Mickey-Mouse shaped scar on the right side of his forehead. What other shape did you think it would be--we were at JoAnn's house!

Thor was up and down all night long--I finally let him sleep with me on the couch, but then I didn't get much sleep. I couldn't figure out why he was so uncomfortable in his porta-crib.

We started out to St. Louis Monday morning after breakfast.  Amber didn't get off work until 4pm and it only takes 6 hours to get there, so we weren't in a rush.

It was fine for the first little while but then we hit rain--ALOT of rain. And the top of our tarp had ripped completely off--there was a five foot round hole in the middle where it was simply gone--not ripped--just not there anymore.  We lost two lids off the plastic tubs somewhere along the route and were just praying that the cardboard boxes would not collapse before we made it to Amber's. I still don't know how to tie down a load.  They never let us tie down a load when I worked in shipping for liability reasons--drivers do that--so I never learned how!

There was a bad wreck on the highway--probably from the rain--and we had to drive slower than I wanted to.  But we finally made it to Amber's house in St. Louis, MO.  It was cute to see Thor with her. She came outside to meet us. Thor looked at her and cocked his head to one side. He looked at me and then at her again. And then he out his pudgy little arms for her to pick him up. He smiled at her and patted her cheek and giggled.

Amber was the best hostess! For those of you who have not visited her yet (ahem, everyone but me!!) you are really missing out. She fed us bacon wrapped filet mignons and broccolli salad that she doctored up. And for dessert she brought home cupcakes from her work! They were very, very good. I would be even fatter than I am if I worked at Amber's shop.

I finally figured out how to get Thor to sleep in his crib the whole night. He was uncomfortable on the mattress because it wasn't as soft as his mattress. So we folded up a comforter and three it under him and he only woke up once!

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