Friday, September 21, 2012

Driving Miss Kathy (Days 6 and 7) Thor Has a Meltdown

It was sad to leave Amber's house on Thursday. She was such a good hostess and Thor loved playing with her and Branden so much! I was sad, too. Our visit wasn't long enough! But Amber had to work and I had a long way to drive before I was home.

We got about 30 minutes down the road to Tulsa when it finally dawned on Thor that he was on his own in the back seat for an indefinite amount of time.  And he started screaming. Not just a baby cry--we are talking a full on tantrum.  I drove for about 45 more minutes thinking he would give up at some point, but that just made him madder. So I pulled over, pulled him out of the carseat, and he immediately shut up. Arrrggghhh!

So back in he went. 30 more minutes of screaming, out he came. Walk, walk, back in carseat, more screaming and seat kicking, back out, run, eat, back in, 45 more minutes of pure shrieking at the top of his lungs, stop the truck again, back out, eat some more, walk some more, back in, red face, tears, back out, AAARRRRGGGGHHHHH!!!! Holy cow that kid can throw a tantrum! For hours apparently!  I thought he would eventually fall asleep during the 6 hour car ride that turned into 8 and a half. But no, I was mistaken. He did not like being by himself, unentertained in the back, nor did he want to be in the carseat one more minute.

We made it to JoAnn's house--he's lucky that he is really, really cute or I might have chucked him on the side of the road. I was about to tear my hair out. I had 22 hours to drive from St. Louis home and this was going to be a LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG trip.

Thor loved swimming at JoAnn's again and he loved hanging out with us.  We stayed there until Saturday just hanging out with JoAnn and her family. We saw Chris, Robert and Bryce too. We went shopping and swam a lot. It was a nice visit.

And then we had to leave.

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