Friday, August 19, 2011

Sabre the Big Sister

Although you may not have been able to tell from the last few posts, I do have another child. And she is pretty great. Sabre is now 16. Although her first words upon learning she would be a big sister were, "I'm not going to babysit," she has turned out to be a great big sister, too.
Here she is proudly holding Thor on his blessing day. Those are the cutest two kids I've ever seen!
And here she is the week he came home from the hospital.

Sabre regularly helps out by holding him while I clean or cook. Thor sits with her while she watches TV and stares at her face. When Sabre laughs, so does Thor. He talks and coos at her with wide, adoring eyes. Sabre has also jumped right in to change and dress him. She carries him or pushes his stroller through stores. She is so sweet and careful with him. It makes my heart swell up (and sometimes my eyes) to watch the two of them together.

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