Monday, March 5, 2012

Thor's Teeth

Thor is getting the cutest tiny baby teeth. He has two on the bottom and one on the top left. The top right is going to pop out any day now. He has such a HUGE smile that his teeth seem way smaller than they should be. If they continue to be this small, he will need 50 to fill in his huge grin! He pokes at them all the time. Yes, he chews on things with them, but what he really likes is to play with them with his fingers.

And my guess is that he will become a dentist. His theme song right now is Lady Gaga's "Show Me Your Teeth." He is not content to just play with his own teeth. He wants to play with everyone else's, too.  (We try to keep his hands clean.) And if someone has braces--whoa! Total fascination. (Letting him stare at her braces was one way a nurse in the hospital kept him occupied while she drew blood.)  He just wants to use his cute little pinchers (his thumb and index finger) to wiggle them. And he is not shy about grabbing a total stranger's teeth if they will bend close enough for him to insert his fingers.  (And for that cute little grin and laugh, who wouldn't want to bend closer?!)  He does this at daycare too--prying open the other babies mouths to look for teeth.

And of course he loves to bite people with his teeth.  And he loves to have you bite (very softly) back! *sigh* I'm afraid I'm going to have the class biter.  Now if only I could turn that biting fascination into a desire to chew and swallow food . . . .


  1. AWWW I need pictures to go with this post!

  2. Teeth really? Is he really getting that big? I need another visit....soon?
