Thursday, March 22, 2012

Thor's "Man-ny"

I have not been posting on here very well becuase Thor caught rotovirus AGAIN!!! After his hospitalization, he spent a week at home recovering, was cleared by the pediatrician, and went back to daycare the next Monday, March 5. By the next Thursday, he was refusing bottles and by Friday, he was projectile vommitting and squirting diarrhea all over the place. We went through 3 brutal days before taking him back to the ER to make sure he wasn't dehydrated (because he hadn't kept ANYTHING down for 3 days). By Monday, I had had it! He has been horribly sick for 3 months, we managed to get him better, and he catches it from dayare again??!!  I started looking for daycare alternatives. (Plus, he couldn't go back to daycare for another week at least.) 

Our best friends in the whole world, Jenn and John, live across the street from us.  Let me tell you about them. These are the best friends that any family could ask for, and I'm fabulously happy that they are ours!!! We've gone on vacations together, they've helped us build a deck, they watched Sabre while I was in law school, we went to their cool Las Vegas wedding, we spend holidays together, we have dinner parties together, they've lent us patio furniture for the last 2 years (I have "buy new cushions" on my to do list!), and they are an endless source of information and comfort.  And now, John is our "man-ny" for Thor. 

Yep, I pulled Thor out of daycare and now John shows up every morning at my house to take care of my sweet little boy. John carefully alternated pedialyte and formula in 1-2oz increments every 1-2 hours to make sure that he was hydrated.  He has nursed Thor right back to health over the last week and a half.  Thor has stopped throwing up and having diarrhea (finally!).  I have gone to work able to get my work done without wondering if daycare was going to call and have me come and get him or if Thor was comfortable.

We went to the doctor for follow-up labs Tuesday. Just to give you an idea of how sick Thor was, these were his liver enzyme counts:

AST (normal range is 10-70)
     1st day in hospital: 753
     3rd day in hospital: 227
     3 weeks later: 55
ALT: (normal range is 2-41)
     1st day in hospital: 857
     3rd day in hospital: 518
     3 weeks later: 87 (still a little high, but a vast improvement)

As you can see, these were some scary high numbers.  We had to do something else.  This arrangment may only last until John finds another job, but it's been a god-send for right now. It's been really great having John taking care of Thor--he does such a great job! Thor is much happier (and healthier!)too.

1 comment:

  1. We are so happy to hear everything is looking up! Thanks for letting us know :D
