Sunday, February 12, 2012

Thor Loves Japanese Food

So remember the post about how much Thor hates food? Apparently, he only hates baby food, juice, and fruit. We went out to eat sushi Friday night and Thor munched on edamame:

He thought the pods were awesome! When they brought my miso soup, he wanted to try it. I could not shovel it in fast enough!! He was screaming his head off while I tried to blow on it so it wouldn't burn him. Thor just sucked it off the spoon like a pro. He was munching on pieces of rice I fed him off chopsticks. (And sucking on the lemon from my water.) I couldn't believe that he actually wanted to eat. I gave him a little taste of my tuna and he thought it was really good stuff.

So the next day I tried feeding him baby food thinking maybe he was ready to eat. Nada. He hated it. He wanted nothing to do with it. He just wants Japanese food. I think it's totally funny that both of my children love eating sushi.

1 comment:

  1. Richard and I both had real "laugh out loud" reactions to this story :) cute cute cute
