Sunday, February 12, 2012

RIP Zoey

We had to put Zoey down on Friday. I tried to find a picture of just her, but the only pictures I have of her are when she's in the pool--it was her favorite thing to do. Last February she messed up her leg. The vet said it would take laser surgery to fix it, she wasn't sure it would work and it costs $2000-$3000. We opted to let her live as long as it wasn't interfering with her life. It never healed. She could get around really well without putting any weight on it. She couldn't go on a walk though or go to the dog park. But she loved to swim. Then when September came and the pool was too cold to swim in, her arthritis started getting to her. She was slower and slower and then she stopped getting up to go to the bathroom all the time. That's when we knew it was hurting her really bad.

Thor is just learning to walk--pulling himself up on everything and falling everywhere. We were afraid that he would try to crawl on her or fall on her and she would snap at him because it hurt her. So we decided it was time. She had bought herself an extra year.

Gary and Sabre took her. Sabre said Zoey was shaking all over and was so worked up that the shot they gave her to go to sleep before giving her the shot that would stop her heart couldn't knock her out--it took longer than usual. Sabre got a paw print to remind her of Zoey.

Zoey was a good dog. She barked only at strangers and was too smart for her own good. She kept Max in line. Max kind of walks around the house lost now. He hasn't eaten since she left--which for Max is really saying something. We all miss her.

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