Sunday, July 15, 2012

My Family Comes to Visit

For Thor's first birthday, my mom, two of my sisters, two nephews, my mother-in-law and grandmother-in-law all came to visit. We had a full house!

My sister Bekkie helped me to plan Thor's birthday party. Here we are:
We ran all over! We made a pinata, a banner, a card game, and baked the cake.

I didn't just work them, though. The first day they all went to the Phoenix Zoo.

 Apparently, the only pictures they took with my camera were of Gavin and Thor. I have enough pictures of the animals at the Phoenix Zoo throughout the years, but I wish I had more of everyone else. It is so rare that anyone comes to visit me. Thor liked having lots of people around. He became a ham.
After Thor's party, my mom and Bekkie went to the cabin to open it for the season. It was too short a visit.

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