Sunday, September 18, 2011

Thor's Swimming

We've been practicing Thor's swimming skills every time we get in the pool. Today, Gary was home and available to video tape it. This first video is Thor going under the water on the count of three.

This next video is Thor floating on his back. At first he tries to kick his legs but towards the end of the song, he relaxes and holds still. Of course, that's when Gary turned off the camera--right when Thor held still enough to float on his own!
Today was the first day that his sunglasses fit his head. He's such an easy going baby that he didn't even shake his head around when I put them on. It took him a minute to understand that he could see better with them on. Now he doesn't like to have them off. Now he's cool like daddy!

We only swam for about 30 minutes, but like usual, he crashed as soon as we got out of the water. We have so much fun with him!

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