Sunday, September 25, 2011


I am one week through a two week trial in Flagstaff, Arizona. So last Tuesday morning I drove the 2 1/2 hours up there. Rather than drive back and forth everyday, I am staying in a nice apartment over one of the partner's houses in Flagstaff.  Gary stayed with Thor and Sabre until Wednesday night. Then he drove Thor up for Thursday and Friday while Sabre stayed with friends. Gary would keep Thor during the day while I was in trial and meet me for lunch so I could feed Thor and we could eat lunch together. This is us at Diablo Burger, a famous burger joint in downtown Flagstaff. They had the best fries!

Rather than hurry down Friday after court, we stayed the night and hung around Flagstaff sightseeing on Saturday. We checked out the trains downtown.

And we checked out the visitors center.

Thor was interested in watching the trains going by (you can just see the box cars through the trees in the picture above). We also went to an Indian festival and watched dancers (but I didn't take pictures because I wasn't sure they would appreciate that). It was really nice to walk around in 75 degree weather in September! It was a perfect day with my two boys.

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