Thursday, June 30, 2011

What I'm Doing with My Maternity Leave

I have decided that if I have 12 weeks off work I can get a lot accomplished while recovering from childbirth. My OB disagrees, but he knows me too well to think that I'll stick to that advice for too long. Starting this blog is high on the list of things-I-never-have-time-to-do-but-I-really-need-to-do-it-anyway. That list also includes (in no particular order) framing my growing stack of degrees and awards to display on my (very bare) walls at work, visiting as many friends and family as possible, getting my baby to sleep through the night, and catching up all of my scrapbooking through Thor's birth. So far, this is the only goal I've finished.

I have to give Katie credit for this blog's name. She thought to name her blog "6th of 9" and Bekkie then named hers "2nd of 9." Of course, this refers to our birth order. Since I was the firstborn, I got to claim the title "1st of 9." Kind of cool.

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