Monday, December 24, 2012

August 2012

My computer crashed in August. And then in September we were trying to close on the house. And then Oct. 2 we closed on it and started remodeling. So I haven't written. To catch up, these next posts are going to be fast.

Sabre started her senior year this August. First day of school:
Let me tell you how insane it is that I have a senior in high school. I remember thinking when she was born that I would be 37 when she left home. I thought that sounded young. It doesn't feel like it. She has taught me more about myself than I care to admit. And she has been a forgiving oldest child--much more forgiving than I was to my own mother (sorry, mom!). She has been a joy for the past few months. It's like she can see the light at the end of the tunnel and she can handle whatever I throw at her. But honestly, I will miss her help, her easy manner, her thoughtful comments. Here is to enjoying the time we have left.

Thor is my sweet monkey child. He LOVES bananas!

We keep them on-hand at all times.

Thor still loves swimming. He can dive under the water holding his breath.

He is a busy beaver. He loves running around naked-oh that cute little baby butt! This is one of my favorite pictures of him, tiny wet footprints and all:

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