Tuesday, May 29, 2012

One Year Ago Today...

...I became a mom again. This time to the sweetest, happiest little boy. This year has been beautiful, full of smiles and laughter.  Sure, there were times when my wonderful boy was sick and I wished he was feeling better, but it has been a great year all around. I've done my best to document it--here, on my phone, in my scrapbooks, and on scattered scraps of paper where I jot down a cute thing that I don't want to forget. And I don't want to forget anything. If I have alzheimers when I'm older, I'm going to come back to this year and re-live it every day.

I'm going to re-live watching the sun rise over our backyard wall, fall through the shutters and land on my sleepy-eyed boy eating his breakfast while I rock him. I'm going to re-live snuggling up to him in that same rocker every night and singing silly songs to him to get him to calm down enough to sleep. I'm going to re-live that first day when I saw him smile and no one believed me until he smiled for the hospital photographer and she snapped the picture. I'm going to re-live his funny little laugh and how it changed and grew over this year. I'm even going to re-live his bites.

There's nothing I want more than to spend time with him. I love teaching him new things. He's a fast learner. Yesterday, he was running for a stool underneath the desk in the kitchen. The desk is just forehead height--he can see under it, but he can't walk under it. And he ran smack into the drawer with his forehead. He was so stunned--he couldn't figure out what hit him! Later that day, he ran for that same stool, but he screeched to a halt about 6 inches from the desk, bent his knees and summo-wrestler-walked underneath it to get the stool! And that pretty much sums up life with Thor. He runs full-tilt, learns from hard knocks, but he actually learns from them. I am so lucky to have him in my life.


  1. Has it really been a year! My gosh, that has gone by fast! I can still remember visiting you while you were pregnant and you were so worried about your delivery, etc. :) I have enjoyed reading your blog and reading about Thor as he is growing up. I feel like I know him.:) I am so happy he is such a handsome, good little baby boy for you. He looks like sooo much fun!!

    1. I'm glad that you feel like you know him because that was my point starting the blog! When I come to St. George to see my family, we will have to get together and let our little boys meet.

  2. Happy Birthday, Thor! Someday you and I will meet. Until then, keep up all the cuteness and cooperate when the camera is out so I can see it on the blog. Love you!

  3. We are so happy to have the little guy in the family. He is such a sweet, loving boy. And that smile! Oh, that smile makes angels sing. I am glad you have enjoyed this year. Until you have lived it, you cannot comprehend how worth it children are. No matter the complications, troubles, or medical trials, they are SO worth it.

  4. We had so much fun visiting for Thor's birthday. The best part was just getting to know that beautiful little boy. I love him so much. Thanks for letting me share this with you in your home and on your blog. Love you lots Mom
