Thursday, September 20, 2012

Driving Miss Kathy (Day 4)--Breaking my Heart

Tuesday July 3rd, we woke up, checked the load--check out the pics:

Yeah, it was a mess!  But we only had 3 more hours to go before we were in Evansville, Indiana. Halleluja!  I was on pins and needles the whole way thinking we were going to lose something out of the back. It was a pretty drive through Illinois and then to Indiana. We found Kathy's sister's house pretty easily and unpacked in no time.

Kathy's niece has a baby boy 2 weeks younger than Thor so he played with him and some of his toys while we unpacked.  Then it was time to say good bye to Kathy and Faithanne. I had tried not to think about this moment from the time that we had started out 4 days ago. Saying goodbye to them was really hard for me.  When they were here and we didn't see each other for a month, it was ok, because I knew they were still there. But I don't know when I will ever see them again.

Kathy helped me out a lot when I first moved here. She introduced me to Shane. She watched Sabre when I needed her to. She helped me get over Derick. She gave me a place to stay when I left Derick. She lent me money. She bought me dinner. She kept me entertained. She introduced me to Gary. She lent me her daughter to keep Sabre company on roadtrips and vacations. She was always up for a good time. We borrowed each other's clothes (ok, until I got too fat!). I really love her.  And I met little tiny Faithanne when she was only 7 months old. She was the cutest baby! Round chubby cheeks, blue eyes, and curly brown hair! It had been fun watching her grow up and scrapbooking about her like she was Sabre's sister. I have her whole childhood documented. What was I going to do without them? They kept me grounded. So even sitting here in my 14th floor office looking at the heart of downtown Phoenix, I remember where I came from.  Who would beg me for me pumpkin chocolate chip cookies now on Oct. 1? (I refuse to make them before then because they are for fall, people!) It breaks my heart to think that Thor won't remember them. Who will be Thor's Faithanne?

But I know they have to do this. So we say goodbye and Thor and I start driving back to Amber's house.  I waited to cry until we were on the road again. Then I had to pull over at the McDonalds a few miles down the road until I stopped. I hate saying goodbye to friends.

Thor did pretty well for this 3 hours. I wondered if he would scream being the only one in the back seat. But he fell asleep most of the way.  This is what the drive looked like:

That night, me, Amber, Thor, and Branden went to Aunt Jen and Uncle David's house. We got to meet cute little Annabelle who was born a mere eleven days before Thor. Instead of teaching her "eyes" "ears" nose" etc, Dr. I'm-an-orthopeadic-sugeon-David had taught her all the bones in her body! She could point to her patella, clavicle, sternum, it was really really cute! We had a really nice time visiting with them. I hadn't seen David for a looooong time becasue of our school schedules. Hopefully now that they are back in Utah we will see them more. (They moved a month after we visited.)

Then we got ready for the Fourth of July at Amber's!!

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