Thursday, April 12, 2012

Thor at 10 Months

Thor was 10 months old on March 29th. I am so in love with this sweet little guy! I don't know what I ever did without him.

-Thor is eating lots of solid food. He basically tries everythign that we eat.
-He is about 22 pounds and growing every second now that he is not throwing up all over.
-Thor took his first steps on his own on April 3, just a couple days after turning 10 months old. He pulls himself around furniture all the time, but he's still cautious walking on his own. The most he's taken before falling is 5 steps. He crawls fats, though!
-He loves zooming around in his cute motorcycle walker. Remember when he got it? He could barely touch the floor! I am constantly tripping over him in it. Max knows to run as soon as he hears it coming. I can't believe how much control of it Thor has.
-Thor loves me to sing "All around the mulberry bush" to him (it's the "POP" at the end). He pretty much likes to hear me sing anything. I'm taking advantage of that becuase he won't want to in a few years!
-We only had one visit to the ER in the past month-hooray!
-Thor talks all.the.time. Just like Sabre did. I have some good video but they aren't wanting to upload right now.
-He has mad swimming skills. He moved up to Baby and Me II last week. He can glide underwater and grab on the side and pull himself out. He can walk his hands along the side of the pool and jumps in to us. He tries to grab the diving rings underwater. He's still figuring out blowing bubbles consistently and he is sooooo close to floating on his own. When we pull up outside the swim school he starts giggling and jabbering to us.
-Thor is the happiest, best boy in the whole world. I'm lucky to be his mama.

1 comment:

  1. OHHHHH!!! He's so cute and the last picture is the sweetest of all!
