Sunday, February 5, 2012

Thor's First Zoo Experience

It has been the most mild winter that I can remember in Phoenix. It's usually pretty mild anyway, but this is ridiculous! The high has been around 75 degrees for over a month! So Gary, Thor and I took advantage of it and went to the Phoenix Zoo (along with half the metro area) yesterday. Here are Gary and Thor at the entrance:

I made sure that Thor wore is sunblock and a hat if he wasn't in the covered stroller so he wouldn't be sunburned. Yep, it was February 4 and he would have gotten sunburned.

We fed the ducks to get them to come up to Thor. He was fascinated.

Thor couldn't figure out what we were pointing at in most of the cages.  Unless the animal was moving and was pretty large, he wasn't very interested if it was behind bars or glass.  So we took some cute posed photos.
 This reminds me of Max, king of the wild things

 He is my pearl!!!

We went to the children's petting zoo. Thor was ok most of the time with the goats, but then one tried to chew on his coat and he freaked out.

It was such a gorgeous day to walk around the beautiful Phoenix Zoo. Thor loved just hanging out in his stroller.  It was nice to get some exercise.  We let Thor play in the playground--more on that in the next post.  We bought a membership so we will definitely go back. Sabre used to love going to the zoo when she was little. They have so many things to do there other than looking at the animals now.  I hope to see more of this cute smile there:

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