Sunday, October 30, 2011

Sickness Hits

My life this week has been overflowing (literally) with diarrhea, throw-up, and snotty noses. If you have (or had) a baby, read on. If not, proceed with caution.

Poor baby Thor caught a virus from Sabre. At first it was just a head cold with no fever--just some snot and watery eyes. But then it strained his little body until the poop runneth over. The pediatrician said it could last 10-12 days with the life of the virus-ugh! So I missed 2 1/2 days of work doing nothing but cleaning onesies, pants, the walker, play mats, the crib, the port-a-crib, couch cushions, my bed, and the baby bathtub all slopped over with yellow-orange, watery, smelly poop. And the car seat. And my clothes. And Gary's clothes. And the Bumbo. It's the one time I was really, really glad that I have wood floors. Because that baby diarrhea gets EVERYWHERE!!!

I ran through a whole bottle of Tide. I tried to limit the washing to a load a day at first. But the smell overpowered me. And I ran out of crib sheets and changing table pads at least once a day. Thor must have pooped his weight three times a day. But we managed to keep him from getting a diaper rash. Luckily, he is the most unpicky eater ever so he drank Pedialyte like a pro. And he is absolutely the best natured child I've ever known. He still laughed and played with us, stuffy nose, cough, gurgling tummy and all. The only time he cried was when he pooped, and I was glad for the warning.

And then the dog ate a diarrhea diaper. Yeah, not a small dog, my 135 pound dog. Who proceeded to dump the product of his bowels all over the living room, the kitchen and the washroom while we are at work/school. Sabre had the joy of coming home first to it. She said there was at least 20 pounds. I have no reason to doubt that. Thank you Sabre for scrubbing and sanitizing the house (yay wood floors again!).

And then I got sick. Luckily I was on antibiotics already for something unrelated or my horrid head cold would have mutated into bronchitis or pneumonia or the most horrific of all--pleurisy.  (I have really week lungs.)  In fact it's the first time that I can remember having a head cold and not ending up in the ER getting an MRI. Woo who! Gotta appreciate the little things.

Oh, and Gary managed to miss a lot of this because he's been in Las Vegas at Eddie's bachelor party. (He did help when he was here--gotta give him props if I want help next time.)

But now it is Sunday, and although I haven't a prayer of making my hours at work this month, we are all on the way to healing. Thor now only poops 2-3 times a day, although it's still runny and toxic. Sabre and I only have coughs and raw throats. And the dog, well, he still hasn't learned his lesson so he is banned to the outdoors until this has run its course.

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